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What is an O-ring seal? What are the advantages and characteristics of O-ring
Time: 2023-09-28

What is an O-ring seal? What are the advantages and characteristics of O-ring
What is an O-ring?
O-ring seals are used to prevent fluid or gas loss. The sealing component consists of an elastomer O-ring and a gland. The O-ring is a circular cross-sectional ring molded from rubber (Figure 1-1). Glands – usually cut into metal or other rigid materials – contain and support O-rings (Figures 1-2 and 1-3). The combination of these two elements; O-ring and gland – constitute the classic O-ring sealing component.
Advantages of O-ring
They can be sealed within a wide range of pressure, temperature, and tolerance.
Easy to maintain, without getting dirty or retightening.
There is no critical torque when tightening, so it is unlikely to cause structural damage.
The O-ring usually only requires a small amount of space and is lightweight.
In many cases, O-rings can be reused, which has advantages over non elastic flat seals and extruded washers.
The service life in correct application corresponds to the normal aging period of the O-ring material.
O-ring faults are usually gradual and easy to identify.
In cases where different compression quantities affect the sealing function (such as using flat washers), the O-ring is not affected as it usually allows metal to metal contact.
They are cost-effective

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